Use as a library

pyastgrep is structured internally to make it easy to use as a library as well as a CLI, with a clear separation of the different layers. For now, the following API is documented as public and we will strive to maintain backwards compatibility with it.

For other things, we while we will try not to break things without good reason, at this point we are not documenting or guaranteeing API stability for these functions. Please contribute to the discussion if you have needs here.

pyastgrep.api.search_python_files(paths, expression, python_file_processor=process_python_file)

Searches for files with AST matching the given XPath expression, in the given paths.

If paths contains directories, then all Python files in that directory and below will be found, but .gitignore and other rules are used to ignore files and directories automatically.

Returns an iterable of Match object, plus other objects.

The other objects are used to indicate errors, usually things like a failure to parse a file that had a .py extension. The details of these other objects are not being documented yet, so use at own risk, and ensure that you filter the results by doing an isinstance check for the Match objects.

By default, search_python_files does no caching of the conversion of Python to XML, which is appropriate for the normal command line usage. However, this conversion is relatively expensive, and for various use cases as a library, you might want to cache this operation.

To achieve this, you can pass the python_file_processor argument. This value must be a callable that takes a pathlib.Path objects and returns a ProcessedPython object or a ReadError object.

By default this is process_python_file() but an alternative can be provided, such as process_python_file_cached(), or your own callable that typically will wrap process_python_file() in some other way.

  • paths (list[pathlib.Path]) – List of paths to search, which can be files or directories, of type pathlib.Path

  • expression (str) – XPath expression

  • python_file_processor – callable that takes a pathlib.Path objects and returns a ProcessedPython object or a ReadError object.


Iterable[Match | Any]

class pyastgrep.api.Match

Represents a matched AST node. The public properties of this are:

property path

The path of the file containing the match.



property position

The position of the matched AST node within the Python file.



property ast_node

The AST node object matched



property matching_line

The text of the whole line that matched



class pyastgrep.api.Position
property lineno

Line number, 1-indexed, as per AST module



property col_offset

Column offset, 0-indexed, as per AST module




Default value of python_file_processor parameter above: a function that parses a Python file to create the AST and the XML version. This does no caching. You should not need to call this yourself.


Wrapper for process_python_file() that caches infinitely in memory, based on the input filename only.

This can be an appropriate caching strategy:

  • if you are operating on a fairly limited number of Python files (or, if available memory is not a problem)

  • if you have a fairly short-lived process

  • if you don’t need to respond to on-disk changes to file contents for the life-time of the process.

class pyastgrep.api.ProcessPython

Return type of process_python_file(). For now, this is an opaque type, as you should not need to construct this yourself – you should be wrapping process_python_file() which will construct this for you.

class pyastgrep.api.ReadError

Return type of process_python_file() for the case of error reading the file. This is again an opaque type for now.


For example usage of search_python_files, see the blog post pyastgrep and custom linting.